Monday, September 15, 2008


Older Peeps!
Another exciting day of typing and blogging, obviously :) so i thought i would talk to you about the fun summer features of drum line. so yada yada we go through the school year for band then the second week we get out drum line starts from 8am till 5pm everyday Monday through Friday. Marching in the hot 90 degree heat and playing for hours on end. Yes there is a nice 45 minute lunch break, then its off to more marching and playing and repeating that for the week. Then the nice summer and then two weeks before school starts we have to do it all over again, but instead of starting right away, we then go from 12am till 4pm, then we have to march with the rest of the band six pm till nine pm. Its worth the practicing because we have to be precise on everything we do, but still, i could live without i couldn't, but i could live without the marching :D

Today im going to tell you about drumline! after school in the summer, we go to school again and a whole bunch of us get up real early and get together and play on our big drums. then we go outside and run around in a straight line together. only for one week though. Then on the second to last week of summer, we do it again! we get to play at football games and do lots of fun stuff durring school!

1 comment:

qb1991 said...

interesting selection for your first blog. i can relate to this very well since i was in the band last year but dropped out. unaware of the audience you were appealing to. it could have been us highschoolers or even appealing to littler kids.