Tuesday, November 11, 2008


And today im here to talk about it. You may not knowtise that now a days, we live in a Zebra free society, which for some people is good because latley there have been attempts at vandalizing those poor little animals!!! I dont know who dose this cruel thing to animals but i assure you, with the new law I want to pass, those people will be fined and taken down.
The first act would be to put survalence cameras all around the Zebra Sanctuary.
The second act would be to fine all of those who even attempt to go anywhere near the protected Zebras.
There are many more acts to come. But the only thing that matters is that we make sure Zebras stay the way they naturally are, BLACK AND WHITE. No more silly colors that people will laugh at.
Now, if anyone tries to break this law, they will be fined $1000 dollers and have to do atleast 20 hours of community service. Also, they will have to groom and wash and take care of the Zebras that they vandalized.
This is a serious matter, that is why im taking drastic measures and patitioning so that the higher authoritys understand that...


Thank you :)


qb1991 said...

What an interesting law!!! I've never thought of doing such a thing in my life, so I would be a proponent of this law. Animals should have the right to mandated federal protection. My only concern is that people may still wish to view the animals on a safari, or in the zoo, so would they be in trouble for viewing them in a risk free environment? I would never break this law or bend it in anyway. Why would I want to paint a zebra? I believe if you joined up with an eco-friendly group such as PETA (sarcasm again sorry) or a wildlife feration agency, applause and petitions for congress would be passed along your way. I of course would be a proponent of this law.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally for this law. I don't think people should go around painting zebras whatever color they please. Zebras can't stand up for themselves, so someone has to! I'd never break this law for two reasons.
1. I don't know where to find a Zebra that i can paint.
2. I'm pretty sure a zebra could kick me or injure me in some way shape or form.
So I wouldn't break this law.

cjokinen77 said...

Yeah, I would vote for this law. I would consider painting zebras as cruel and unusal punishment, so it should be outlawed. Neon colors can really hurt a zebras self-esteem, so it is good that you want to outlaw it. I'd never break this law. There would really be no point in painting a zebra, so I would follow it.